Coppelion 01

4 Oct

I wanted to watch Coppelion in decent quality but there was only a HorribleSubs 400p (what?) release, hours after some 720p raws had come out. Then I realised I had been messing around with enough software to be entirely capable of ripping the subs from Horrible (I’m sure they don’t give half a shit about me taking their precious Hulu rip), re-encoding the somewhat bloaty-looking raws and jamming the subs in there.

And so I did, and then I watched the first 10 seconds to see if the subs were in there properly. They weren’t, so I went in and moved all the subs by a few seconds and saw that the first few lines were now timed correctly. I uploaded v1 and started watching, only to discover that there are indeed differences between direct rips from Hulu and actual raws containing everything relevant. After about 10 minutes of fiddling around, I had found 4 places where the subs got off-sync because of commercials and stuff. v2 had the subs mostly right, but there was one more commercial break that messed up most of the latter half of the episode. v3 had only 1 line in the wrong place, and that was because the Hulu rip had one line where the ID was higher than the line that came after it (this is opposite from how it normally goes). Then I went and read up on encoding and stuff. I downloaded some different software and messed around with x264 encode settings for a few hours, then went to sleep. The next day, when I came home from work, I uploaded v4: 10- and 8-bit versions, with lower quality on the 8-bit. I also added chapters and fixed the one line.

In the end, both Anime-Koi and HorribleSubs were faster than me to release an up-to-standards 720p version. If this same thing happens next week with HS only initially releasing 400p, I’ll do this again.

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